Turntable Drawings ‘20

This portfolio grew out of the work of John Cage, and in particular his Ryoanji portfolio of works (both visual and audible). The project considers the conception Cage took in regards the creation of these pieces, and the methods and means of execution he devised. Responding to the physical characteristics of the pebbles themselves, according to systems of chance procedure Cage would determine the positioning of a pebble, the number of times to circle the

outline, and the tone or timbre of each mark to be used. Encompassing a systematic approach in response to the pieces’ conception, this portfolio sits within a wider project considering systems and models of chance whilst paying homage to John Cage and his Ryonaji series of works.

Turntable Drawings

The accompanying short film documents the processes involved in the execution of the turntable drawings. Each varying slightly in their precise means of creation, the pieces rely on models of chance procedure to determine, the selection, positioning and time involved in the creation of the drawings.



